The Average Rental Price for Properties in Montgomery County, TX

Discover the average rental price for properties in Montgomery County, TX and what factors affect it. Find out why this county is a popular destination for those looking to settle down.

The Average Rental Price for Properties in Montgomery County, TX

As an expert in the real estate market, I have seen the ups and downs of property prices in various areas. One area that has caught my attention is Montgomery County, TX. Located just north of Houston, this county has become a popular destination for those looking to settle down in a peaceful and scenic environment.

The Appeal of Montgomery County, TX

Montgomery County, TX offers a unique blend of urban and rural living. With its close proximity to Houston, residents have access to all the amenities and opportunities of a big city while still being able to enjoy the tranquility of suburban life.

The county is also home to several lakes, parks, and nature reserves, making it an ideal location for outdoor enthusiasts. But what truly sets Montgomery County apart is its strong sense of community. The county is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere, making it an attractive place for families and retirees.

The Real Estate Market in Montgomery County

With its growing popularity, it's no surprise that the real estate market in Montgomery County is thriving. The demand for properties has been steadily increasing over the years, leading to a rise in property prices. According to recent data from Zillow, the median home value in Montgomery County is $261,000. This is higher than the national average of $248,857. However, what's interesting to note is that the median rental price in Montgomery County is $1,600, which is slightly lower than the national average of $1,695. So what does this mean for those looking to rent a property in Montgomery County? Let's take a closer look at the different types of properties available and their average rental prices.


Houses are the most common type of property in Montgomery County, making up 68% of all housing units.

The average rental price for a house in the county is $1,700 per month. However, this can vary depending on the size and location of the house. In more rural areas, you can find houses for rent for as low as $1,200 per month. On the other hand, houses in more affluent neighborhoods can go up to $2,500 per month.


Apartments are also a popular choice for renters in Montgomery County. They offer a more affordable option for those looking to live closer to the city or in a more urban setting. The average rental price for an apartment in Montgomery County is $1,300 per month.

This includes both one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments. However, you can find apartments for as low as $900 per month in some areas.


Townhouses are another type of property that is gaining popularity in Montgomery County. They offer a mix of the privacy and space of a house with the convenience and amenities of an apartment complex. The average rental price for a townhouse in Montgomery County is $1,600 per month. However, this can vary depending on the location and amenities offered by the townhouse community.

Factors Affecting Rental Prices

As with any real estate market, there are several factors that can affect rental prices in Montgomery County.

These include location, amenities, and demand. Properties located closer to Houston or in more desirable neighborhoods tend to have higher rental prices. Similarly, properties with amenities such as swimming pools, gyms, and security systems also command higher rental prices. Another factor that can affect rental prices is the demand for properties in a particular area. As more people move to Montgomery County, the demand for properties increases, leading to higher rental prices.


In conclusion, the average rental price for properties in Montgomery County, TX is $1,600 per month. However, this can vary depending on the type of property, location, and amenities offered.

With its growing popularity and strong sense of community, Montgomery County is a great place to call home.

Candice Sahagian
Candice Sahagian

Incurable food fan. Incurable twitter nerd. Friendly music fanatic. Bacon fan. Evil coffee scholar.

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